Faith is the channel by which all grace and blessings are received, and that which is accepted by faith God bestows in fact. Being filled does not always lead to exalted feelings, but God always keeps His word. We have to just look to His promises and rest in them, expecting their literal fulfillment. Some put asking in the place of accepting. Many wish it were so, instead of believing it is so.
We have never to wait for God to give, for He has already given us His all.
James Hudson Taylor
We have a bunch of changes going on in our personal life right now, and I must admit, I have been distracted and anxious. For example, the other day I was on my cell phone talking to a friend, when I realized there was another call I needed to make. While still speaking to my friend, I began searching through my purse, trying to find my phone. As my phone wasn't in my purse, I began nervously searching through my car. Pathetically, this little scene went on for a good 30 seconds. Not until I was about to tell my friend I had to get off the phone because I couldn't find my phone, did I realize my own craziness. ..
The thing I was looking for, the thing I was becoming frantic over was in my hand. My busyness and near panic were just hiding it from view. And so I sat there, nervously searching for something I already had.