Monday, November 12, 2012

To be like Kathy

As most of you know, we have chickens. Yes, they were my son's idea and his project, but the silly birds have wormed their way into my heart and I enjoy feeding them.  

For those of you who don't have chickens I'll explain what a morning feeding looks like. I walk into the pen, open up the hatch and out struts the rooster. He gives an indignant crow which seems to insinuate that I am late and then, as if on cue, the hens come spilling down the ramp like marbles from a jar. Ignoring the rooster, and working to not step on any hens, I walk into the coop, open up the food bin, and throw a few cupfuls to the waiting hoard below.

After this, I return to the bin and say good morning to Kathy, our one hen who does not follow the routine of the others, but instead waits inside. Kathy, who the second I turn my back, jumps inside the bin and begins helping herself to breakfast. Kathy, our one and only bird who isn't satisfied by having her food thrown at her but instead goes right to the source.

This morning (despite what the rooster thought) I was ahead of schedule and with the morning bright and the temps pleasant, I spent a bit more time with my little flock, watching some peck at the ground while Kathy yummed it up in the bin. As I watched their antics, I began thinking about the spiritual Jessica, contemplating if she is a Kathy or an outside waiting hen. Is she continually content to listen as the Word of God is thrown out to her, or does she dive right into the source, looking for the very best of truths. Is she satisfied by listening to others' words about her God, or does she seek Him, dive into Him on her own knowing that He alone is where the best is found.

In honesty, it's a question I haven't asked myself in some time. It's a question that gets muffled out by the busyness of life, brushed over as I go pecking about the ground. But it is a question worth questioning...then answering.

So there it is, and now how about you?



  1. Thank you so much friend for the insight. I pray I am more like kathy than the others as well.

  2. What a great reminder - to not be content with what's thrown our way but to constantly be going straight to the source for our truth. Thank you Jessica!!
